Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Meaning of "Austerity"

Go to You Tube and put "austerity measures" in your search bar. I think you'll find out exactly why those people in Europe and the Middle East are rioting. I heard the big banks have put out memos to their employees that because of austerity measures they have been forced to take, the employees' pay and benefits will shortly be reduced while they're making money hand over fist in reality.  

Have you heard the complaints by the Obama Administration that the banks are sitting on the TARP money?  Well, they didn’t sit on it…they loaned it out to third world countries.  Taxpayer money they got with little to no interest…sometimes even a negative interest rate.  You know why they loaned it out to third world countries instead of supplying loans to American small businesses and homeowners?  Because it’s easier to loan vast amounts of money to clients they can make further loans to because they know the loans won’t be repaid and that they’ll have to be renegotiated than to make thousands of  loans which might possibly be repaid.  Works like this:  The third world countries either ask for loans or get approached to obtain a loan.  The banks lend them money but it mostly goes into corrupt officials’ pocketbooks without  the general public having the vaguest idea of the loan made in their behalf and for which they will be responsible.  When it comes time for the interest payment to be made  (and they always talk about the interest payment…payment on the principle is never discussed), the corrupt officials have, of course, spent all the money.  The banks know this.  So either the banks and/or the IMF (International Monetary Fund) renegotiate the loan into a new one, covering the old loan with its interest payments and the new one with its interest payments.  At some point, the IMF introduces “austerity measures.”  Austerity measures means cut-backs in everything with the resultant loss of jobs, homes, and services.  Austerity measures also include agreements that allow international corporations to gain access to that country’s resources. 

When the IMF steps in, the UN’s NGOs (non-governmental organization) also step in.  Some are good.  Most are bad and most contribute to further disorganization and corruption in the government.  It will make you very happy to know that your taxpayer money facilitates their activities via federal and UN grants.      

The austerity measures insure payment of the interest amounts owed to the IMF and/or the banks. NGO's (non-government organizations) have been used extensively in conjunction with this. The transfer of lands to wilderness areas to the control of UNESCO, the grabbing of private lands through EPA manipulations such as establishing "buffer zones" locking up farmland into disuse or destroying economies via the endangered list or just flat out taking private land as in Florida and California, ALL at the instigation of the UN and Agenda 21 so that the big bankers get their interest money, no matter what.

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